Important News Update
Mahalo for your continued patience throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic recovery process.
Hawaiʻiʻs Film and Television industry is at various stages of reopening statewide, County by County.
We are working closely with government officials and film offices from every Island County to help clarify and outline how the industry is to move forward. This is in conjunction with the film unions’ SAFE WAY FORWARD document that has now become the industry standard in this new age of COVID.
Due to some of the restrictions outlined in the most current County orders, some film activity will be limited to smaller groups than in the past. Currently, we are able to submit film permit applications to DLNR (State Parks, Boating, Land Management, and Forestry), DOT (Airports, Highways and Harbors), DAGS (State buildings and parking meters), and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for review and approval on a case-by-case basis.
The State of Hawaii’s Unemployment Insurance system has been revamped to include the acceptance and processing of bonafide self-employed, 1099 and project/gig economy claims for employees who have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. These claims are covered by the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, covered under the CARES Act.
–To learn more about the PUA program click here:
–To go directly to the PUA program application process:
DOCARE Officers Rate Increase:
On September 1, 2018 an increase in pay rate for a DOCARE special duty officer will take effect from $50 per hour to $60 per hour with a 4 hour minimum.
The vessel fee will continue to be $50 per hour with a 4 hour minimum. The per hour vessel charge will be for waterborne vessels only. No charges will be made for transport or while vessels are on land.
Dept. of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) , Division of State Parks (SP) changes:
Aloha all producers and locations managers. The Division of State Parks under The Department of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR) requires that Productions submit their completed, signed Standard film permit applications a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the first shoot date. In order to avoid any last-minute rush for the Film Office and State Parks which could lead to a permit denial, please submit all film permit applications in a timely manner. As a reminder, State Parks does not approve film permits for weekends or holidays. Drone applications for State Parks will take (14) business days prior to shoot date. We will do our best to move the drone requests through as fast as possible. Please use the list of State Observed Holidays when planning your shoot days.
Mahalo for your understanding and cooperation. –The Hawaii Film Office team. (7-10-19 rev)
The Hawaiʻi Film Office gives a big mahalo nui to all of our permittees and needs your kōkua or help in making the Standard Film Permit process go smoother. To better serve you, our film permittees, we need all film permit documents in a PDF format that would fit letter sized paper (letter sized 8.5” x 11”). The second important way you can kōkua would be to send documents as attachments and not embed film permit information within an email.
Due to a significant increase in production activity and requests for commercial drone use for filming, the Hawai‘i Film Office will adhere to its policy that all STANDARD film permits be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the first prep/shoot date. For commercial drone use for filming, the Film Office requires that applications and required drone documents be submitted at least 14 business days in advance of the first prep/shoot date. This is due to the time it takes to review the drone requests and ensure that all required documents and insurance are in order. We will do our best to move the drone requests through as fast as possible. Please be sure that all film permit applications and drone applications are filled out completely with all the necessary information before submitting to the Film Office. That will minimize any unnecessary delays. This only applies to Standard Film Permits. Open/Accessible permits can still be applied for online through the ePermit system and normally can be approved in a day. Drone activity is not allowed for the Open/Accessible permits.